Chile Road

October 6, 2011 11:35 pm  /  Uncategorized
I recently mixed an indie documentary film, Chile Road, for my neighbors Andrew Cohn and Rachel Counce of Seven 34 Films. They got a nice a plug a few days ago in Wired’s Raw File blog.  Here’s Wired’s synopsis:


What do you do when one of your best homies is going through a tough break up? Well, just about anything you can to help him take his mind off it. For filmmaker Andrew Cohn, that meant indulging his recently dumped buddy Enrique’s fantasies of becoming a Food Network Star.

After his long-term girlfriend broke up with him, Enrique asked Cohn to help him film a foodie road trip through New Mexico’s Green Chili Cheeseburger Trail, an offer Cohn couldn’t refuse. So they set off, leaving New York for a ten day trip through New Mexico to make a film about cheeseburgers. But Cohn had a better idea: He’d turn the cameras on Enrique, rolling day and night, and make the movie about his friend getting over his ex. The resulting film is called Chile Road.

And the trailer:

“Chile Road” Official Trailer from Andrew Cohn on Vimeo.

They’ve submitted it to Sundance. Wish them luck!

Consider the source

September 29, 2011 1:31 pm  /  Sound Design

This morning I whipped together some audio for a short video clip to augment this Onion article. In it, Congress (having already figuratively taken the country hostage) decides to go all the way.

Video From Inside Congressional Hostage Situation

Several hours later, this post appeared on

“U.S. Capitol Police are investigating a series of Twitter postings from The Onion, the well-known fake news site, which posted several bogus tweets about a shooting inside the Capitol and lawmakers taking children hostages…

‘It has come to our attention that recent Twitter feeds are reporting false information concerning current conditions at the U.S. Capitol. Conditions at the U.S. Capitol are currently normal,’ said Sgt. Kimberly Schneider, spokeswoman for the Capitol Police.

‘There is no credibility to these stories or the Twitter feeds. The U.S. Capitol Police are currently investigating the reporting.'”

This would be a relevant place to mention Literally Unbelievable, a website documenting Onion articles “as interpreted by Facebook.”

For those who have trouble discerning truth from fiction, always consider the source.

Exciting News!

September 28, 2011 12:49 pm  /  Radio

The Wisdom on Jay Thunderbolt, the radio piece I co-produced with Nick van der Kolk and Nick Williams for Love and Radio is one of the winners of this year’s Third Coast festival!

Looking over the list of this year’s winners, I’m certainly honored (and humbled) to be a part of this amazing lineup of producers and stories!

In homage, here’s a piece of original music Joel Zimmerman and I have been collaborating on, which is built in part around a sample from one of my favorite Coltrane recordings (with Duke Ellington, who wrote the song, on piano).


My previous portable recorder (an M-audio Microtrack II) is on its death bed, and I’ve spent some time researching what device ought to replace it.

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The Third Coast Festival (the South By Southwest of public radio) interviewed Nick van der Kolk, Nick Williams, and I about how we developed and produced our radio story The Wisdom of Jay Thunderbolt for Nick vd K’s show, Love and Radio.

I know, I know. I promised I’d write more about how we put the piece together back in April, and then quickly got swamped with other work. BUT Thanks to Third Coast, you can read everything I would have written here on their site.

Follow the link and click “extra.”

Eh. What the hell.  Or you can read the mirrored interview, below.

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